Thursday, October 27, 2005
Next-in-line project for Vinylpulse
A contest will be held in celebration of Vinylpulse's 100,000 visitor. 7 Cre8tive Peeples vinyl will be given away to selected artists, namely MadL, Sket One, Doctor A, Tyson Summer, Nakanari, Elizabeth Ito and yours truly, to custom on...So stay tuned!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
PhuEk! in Tomorrow
Tanxs to the kool peeps from Tomorrow (Bulletin of Singapore Bloggers) for featuring PhuEk!'s blog in their site. Click here to read further.
Monday, October 24, 2005
PhuEk! in Vinyl Pulse
Big props to my main man Jack Muramatsu from Vinyl Pulse for featuring PhuEk's recent custom, Lil' PhuEkonaut in the site. Click here to read further.
Monday, October 17, 2005
PhuEk! x Chicken Little = Lil' PhuEkonaut!

A consignment custom on 8 inch Chicken Little (Disney) vinyl for Carl Oey from Adventures of Kitsch. Do check out his online toy store for the latest designer toys.
Friday, October 14, 2005
PhuEk! in Pictoplasma
Much tanxs to the peeps from Pictoplasma for adding PhuEk! in their character archives.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
TREXI Launch (Live Custom) PhuEk!, Devilrobot, Ultraman, Danny Chan and Brothersfree getting our hands full on the custom.
 The completed custom TREXI.
 Top view of all the custom.
 Shinichiro Kitai (Devilrobot) doodling on a blank 10 inch TREXI.
 All the custom been displayed in the showcase with a blank 10 inch TREXI, doodled by all the participating artists.
Well, it's a PhuEktastic! event indeed. Thank you all for heading down to Cineleisure to support PhuEk! during the 2-day launch of TREXI series 02. You are all very much appreciated :-)
Monday, October 10, 2005
TREXI Launch (Custom Gallery) Loads of Custom TREXI from all over the world.
 Custom TREXI by ARTVSTS crew , Trase One, SprayTwoGeorge & Sheiko (SWS)
 PhuEk! custom TREXI.
 Boba PhuEk!
 Kilgore! by Jim Koch (Circus Punk)
 PhuEkonaut! & Shuttle PhuEka! Cola.
More pics will be up soon for the TREXI launch...So Stay Tuned!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
PhuEk! in Playtimes Issue 09 Playtimes Issue 09 cover autographed by Shinichiro Kitai (Devilrobot)
 PhuEk! & ARTVSTS coverage.
 The making of PhuEkonaut! custom TREXI.
 The winners' page.
Big shout out to the peeps from Play Imaginative for the coverage and publicity.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
PhuEk! in BIGperk
Tanxs to the kool peeps from BIGperk for featuring PhuEk!'s recent custom. Click here to view the site.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
PhuEktastic! Event
PhuEk! will be at the launch of TREXI series 02 alongside...
Special Guests : Devilrobots (Japan), Brothersfree (Hong Kong), Ultraman (Hong Kong), Danny Chan (Hong Kong), fFurious (Singapore) & PixelMonkey (Singapore)
Venue : Cathay Cineleisure (Singapore) Date/Time : 8th - 9th (11am to 9pm)
For more info, please refer to